Saturday, September 14, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

After finishing reading The Crucible, I have made up my mind about the character John Proctor. I think that John Proctor was the hero of the story. He knew that something was wrong in that town as soon as everyone was turning on each other, crying witchery. John tried to stick to the truth when he was being interrogated, unlike most all of the others who lied from the start. Although he ended up lying in the end, he didn't run away from his problems, like Abigail did. When John "confessed", he didn't lie about anyone else in the town being associated with the devil like some of the others who were accused. It's understandable that he didn't want to sign the confession that was going to be hung on the church door fro everyone in the town to see. He already knew that he was being hanged for something that he didn't even do, so the only thing he had left as his own was his name. By signing the paper he felt as if he was giving away his name, along with his life.

To me, Abigail was the villain in this story. She started lying just to cover up her tracks, and that one lie spiraled into many more lies. Due her lies, many people unnecessarily died. Basically she is a murderer. If John had told Hale about his affair with Abigail earlier, then maybe  there would have been a different turnout. Also if Elizabeth would have told the truth about John's affair with Abigail then the play would have ended differently. Either way, I think that John Proctor would be the hero in this play. 


  1. I agree with what you say and I like that you say that Abigail runs away from her problems unlike John Proctor. I think that shows who Abigail really is. And it also supports your argument that Proctor was a hero, since heros are supposed to face their problems and not run away from them.

  2. I like how you include who you think the antagonist or "villain" is in the story-- the contrast makes the argument stronger

  3. Great points on John being a hero, and I like how you shed light on the opposite of the hero; the antagonist, Abigail. Are there any characters that are in the gray area, one who is neither a hero or villain (good or bad)?

    ps: you got some good music, a creative blog~

    1. I think that Giles could be a character who is neither a hero or a villain. Be raises suspicions about his wife, but then tries to take them back because he never wanted to get her into trouble.
