Monday, November 11, 2013


Edgar Allan Poe was a poet/writer born in 1809 in Boston. He has many famous poems like The Raven and The Fall of Ligea. He is known for writing spooky stories and he is credited with starting horror stories. The Raven, which he published in 1845, was probably his most famous poem. He died in Virginia in 1847, and the cause of his death was said to have been congestion of the brain, but people still argue that it could have been something else.
I have read poems and stories by Poe in the past and although I like the Raven, the Tell-Tale Heart is my favorite (if you haven't read it you should). It's about a man who kills an old man because his eye creeps him out, and then he chops up his body and hides it under the floor boards. The police come because they heard a scream, and the narrator tells them that it was him while he was sleeping, and that the old man is out of town. The narrator thinks he got away with it until he starts hearing the old man's heartbeat, which drives him crazy. He ends up testing up the floor and exposing his crime. The story is eerie and keeps you guessing what's going to happen next. I think that Poe its a great American figure, because he revolutionized literature. I like reading mysteries and horror stories, so I like a lot of Poe's stories.


  1. Great blog! I really like The Tell-Tale Heart too! Do you think the man's guilt from the story has anything to do with him being guilty about something from his own life?

    1. Yeah, I think he expresses himself through his works, so he could have been reflecting on something.
